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One of the first Black celebrities openly supporting the Occupy Wall St. movement was Russell Simmons. Unlike some celebs who stopped by the movement for a rebellious photo opportunity, Russell appears sincere to staying the course. Rich as he may be Russell recently told The Huffington Post :

“It’s part of human kindness and I feel it is my moral duty to do this. You give what you get. I want to do what I can to relieve suffering and improve the quality of other’s lives. A yogi’s commitment to life is to relieve suffering, protect all beings and improve the quality of life for all.”

Okee dokee yogi! One can’t help but love the well spoken words of Uncle Rush. Yet its hard to stay convinced,  reflecting on the fact that debt is strangling life out of the Black middle class. Mr. Simmons pushes his well branded RushCard onto African American’s every chance he can get. Despite being much closer to a 1% than a true 99%’er, Mr. Simmons says:

“I have the unique resources and relationships to make it happen. I can bring together multiple networks of cultural icons, black clergy and unions to improve the country for the better and a promote a greater, more honest and true democracy.”

Lets hope Russell can deliver on this one. Black people need authentic opportunities to rise much more than they need cool credit cards. Do you think Russell and other Black celebrities are being sincere?

Read the full Huffington Post Article

See Also: Who Are The Black ‘1 percent?