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A lot of women have the experience of not getting approached by men very often, and on the odd occasion that they do the man is undesirable for whatever reason.  Other women seem to get approached all the time and have trouble keeping men away from them. What is the difference? Is it just about looks or are there other factors at play here:

1. You don’t get out enough or go to the right places.

2. If you do get out enough, it is always with a big group of people – especially girls. And you stick to the group like glue.

3. When you go out, you have men around you who look like they could be your boyfriend. Most men will not approach a lady if she is in close physical proximity to a guy. Therefore, if you are out with men make sure that it is clear that none of them is your boyfriend.

4. You don’t look friendly

Men are generally attracted to women who are happy and appear friendly. A sign of this is that a woman smiles a lot and displays an openness to new people and experiences – she looks relaxed generally.

5. Aloofness

Another problem that is similar in nature to the above point, but subtly different, is aloofness. While you may not look unfriendly, you have a vibe about you that says, “Keep away from me, I’m not interested in anything thanks.” Often your body language is the thing that communicates this in a powerful way. You look like you are in a world of your own if you are alone

6. Lack of confidence

You act too shy when a guy makes eye contact with you. If you like him (so far!), smile at him when he looks at you. Women too often want to hide any sign that they may be interested and they force the guy take all the risk. When he approaches, he wants to feel that he has a better than even chance of success. This is a major reason why guys stare at women – they are testing the waters to see what your reaction to them is first, before they put themselves in a position to rejected in person. But if you don’t give them a positive reaction, they feel that the risk of rejection is too high, so they don’t approach.