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Beyonce’s “Run the World” video dropped yesterday and there was not a female that I know who could resist replaying it twice, thrice and until they were nice. I know it gave me an extra adrenaline rush that night, and I felt that maybe for one second that I had the ability to fly. I’m playin’ but I’m not going to lie, I was definitely on my superwoman after I saw an army full of women, hyenas on chains and Mrs. Knowles-Carter busting a move in variety of delightful costume changes.

Missed the premiere?  Beyonce’s “Run The World (Girls)” [NEW VIDEO]

From burning bras to making bras that actually fit, women have come a long way in terms of stepping out of traditional roles that restrict their livelihood to household duties. I don’t have to spell it out; women are multi-tasking like never before, we hold many job titles going above and beyond often without recognition.

It’s cool that us sisters can bond and powwow over how wonderful it is to be a woman, pump our fists in the air and demand R-E-S-P-E-C-T but how does that impact a gal’s relationship and/or dating life? Did you stop to pay attention to how men reacted to the Run the World video? I definitely did.

It was as if the second coming of Christ was upon us. Men were either silenced by the glorious images of a gyrating Bey or ran for cover in the nearest man cave.

First we pressured them to put a ring on it, now we want to run the show…the nerve of us women!*sarcasm*

Truth be told, the average dude is not intimidated by a woman who exudes girl power, he is repelled by a woman who exudes ignorance. The type of ignorance that would have a woman believe she can do and acts as she pleases without taking the feelings of others into consideration, a woman who feels as though girl power means demeaning her male counterparts and calling him any and every name out the book to get what she wants.

Gaga Beats Oprah, Bey Beats Jay On Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities List

Girl power, women’s empowerment and feminism is not about crushing opponents and seizing control of others, it’s about loving and respecting yourself enough to know that you and everyone else in this universe are equally important, whether man woman or child.

What healthy warm-blooded man doesn’t want a strong feminine warrior by his side? Warriors lives and die by honor, carry themselves like a class act and do not have the need to manipulate or demean to get a point across. Men are not intimated by girl power, they are repelled by a woman on a power trip.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a man who you felt was intimated by your “girl power”? Have you ever had to silence your inner warrior to make a man feel comfortable? Lastly, what is your take are men intimidated by the girl power movement?

What’s on your mind?

About the Author:

Telisha Ng is a freelance writer and author of the Goddess Intellect blog from Toronto, Canada. Like what you’re reading? Vote Goddess Intellect for Best International Blog in the 2011 Black Weblog Awards.