It hits me again. “Your boyfriend is not your friend.” Back to picturing it! This time I have been dating someone long enough that he…

Make a special request “When we began dating (back in college!), we used to occasionally request songs on the radio and dedicate them to each…

We need more happily committed couples admitting that making out after x number of kids, graduate school, mortgages, student loans, and the loss of perky…

“I love when you get all mad.” Is he fuming because he’s behind a car that’s oh-so-annoyingly crawling along in the left lane? Sure, it’s…

Men like for their lady to be comfortable Long day at work, or home? Yes, put your feet up and relax (put your guard down).…

Well, not your boyfriend specifically. But probably most men. Yay? You know how people say “Behind every great man is a great woman” and it’s…

Have drunch Friday night date-night dinner can be crowded and cliché. Instead, trade carpooling duties with a friend, and spend a free Saturday at brunch.…

Money problems Everyone tells you to talk about finances before you head down the aisle. But even after, it can still be a touchy subject…

The American Psychological Association today issued a news release with the headline: “Men Feel Worse About Themselves When Female Partners Succeed.” Here’s a quote: ”It makes…

I asked some of the top relationship experts to weigh in on what it takes to transition from single to engaged.   1. Change your…

The top five are: 1. Guiness 2. Corona 3. Peroni 4. San Miguel 5. Budweiser Obviously, if your guy is a big fan of one…

One of the major findings presented in your book is that women are not naturally monogamous, that sex with strangers is a big turn-on for…