The testimony of key witness Rachel Jeantel in the Trayvon Martin case so far has been painful for me to watch for a variety of…

Too many of us are guilty of a prime sleep mistake: underestimating its importance. Whereas nutrition and exercise are widely acknowledged as so-called “pillars of health,” sleep, while well-deserving of such high praise, is often maligned as something that’s “for the weak.” But even those of us who have learned to value sufficient shut-eye aren’t necessarily sleep saints. […]

( — Permission granted: You can officially stop feeling guilty about those little “bad-for-you” habits you can’t seem to break. Turns out, many of life’s greatest indulgences bring big health benefits — helping you stay slim, fight off the blues, and kick disease to the curb. And we’ve got the 10 best right here, conveniently […]

Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough.