
Two women have filed an explosive lawsuit against a Rikers Island corrections officer and the city of New York, charging that they were raped repeatedly…


When news broke that 200 girls were rescued from Boko Haram terror camps, many believed that the #BringBackOurGirls movement had taken a positive turn. However,…


The rekindled relationship between the United States and Cuba has taken yet another step forward. On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Obama plans…

A Rikers Island correction officer who was being sexually assaulted by a convicted sex criminal was rescued by inmates after they broke the Plexiglas blocking the…


Four Rikers Island inmates reportedly attempted escaping prison Monday by breaking down cinderblock walls with a toilet ripped from the floor, the New York Daily…

NEW YORK — Rikers island jailers let $130, 816 worth of odious meat rot into a mess that let one boss think it was still good enough to feed inmates. The 65,000 pounds of spoiled meat was discovered on July 11 after smells seeped from two freezer-trailers and caught the attention of a correction captain. […]