Jacque Reid talks to co-founder of popular Miss Jessie’s natural hair care line, Miko Branch about the loss of her sister, Titi after she died…

Miss Jessie’s Co-Founder Miko Branch joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss her new book, Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business from Scratch–Naturally. When asked…


Titi Branch, the co-founder of the successful natural haircare line Miss Jessie’s, is dead. According to an obituary that was released by NV Magazine, Branch…

It’s rumored that the co-founder of Miss Jessie’s, a leading company in the natural hair care industry, Titi Branch (pictured above on the left) died…

The creators of Miss Jessie’s, Miko and Titi Branch, hosted a private holiday party at their Soho curl bar on Tuesday December 4th. The salon…