Actress Paula Patton gives the hilarious dish on:


What does Valentine's Day really mean anyway? <!--more-->


These are the top 10 biggest lies men tell women. Ladies have you heard these before? Men, have you ever used these? <!--more-->

Check out these tips for a good relationship. <!--more-->

here's my video/song of the day. Sit back and relax and let the music take control. <!--more-->

Here's my video/song of the day. Sit back and relax and let the music take control. <!--more-->

If you are in need of some good relationship tips check these out. Let me know what you think. <!--more-->


More and more churches are facing this type of issue. What are your feeling on the subject? <!--more-->


If you pay attention, you will hear what is being said when no words are being spoken. <!--more-->


Well now, this is interesting. What do you think? Does everybody commit adultery...I mean everybody? That's a whole lot of cheaters. <!--more-->

I Love it when my hubby cooks. Ladies do you think it's sexy when your man cooks? Check out Chef Aaron McCargo Jr. From the Food Networks "Big Daddy's House". <!--more-->


Are you looking for ways to be the best girlfriend you can be? Read these suggesstions and let me know what you think? <!--more-->