Fay Allen went from working as a nurse in London to becoming a historical figure after she was selected as the United Kingdom’s first Black…


Meadowlark Lemon, one of the most recognizable members of the Harlem Globetrotters traveling basketball troupe, died on Sunday at the age of 83. Lemon was…


The late Dr. John Withers was an Army lieutenant during World War II who risked his career and a chance at furthering his education after…


The late Edna Lewis was a celebrated chef who introduced the comfort foods of her farming community in the South to a much wider audience.…


Since 1975, Detroit businessman George P. Barnes Jr. has overseen Heritage Optical Center and Heritage Vision plans, providing vision services and insurance in Detroit and…


Lt. Gen. Nadja West has amassed several milestones in her 33-year Army career. She was sworn in last week as the first Black U.S. Army…


Jewel Lafontant-Mankarious was a Chicago lawyer who achieved a number of firsts as a woman and African-American in her field. Among her achievements, Lafontant-Mankarious was…


On December 18, 1996, the school district in Oakland, Calif. designated Ebonics as a main language of its predominantly African-American student base. The move was…


While tolerance and acceptance of transgender people is slowly emerging in modern times. the last century was much less understanding. For transgender pioneer Lucy Hicks Anderson, those…


Matt Baker’s rightful place in the annals of comic book history has been debated by followers of the genre. But by most accounts, he is considered…


Jeremiah G. Hamilton, the so-called “Prince of Darkness,” was a powerful Wall Street broker and considered its first Black millionaire. Hamilton used questionable tactics to…


CBS News’ 60 Minutes producer Henry Radliffe II was a producer for the popular new program for the past 26 years. Radliffe passed last week…