CAIRO (AP) — They waited in long lines for hours to vote, despite a new wave of unrest, fears about a sharply divided society and uncertainty over the nation’s future. For the millions of Egyptians who cast ballots Monday, the first parliamentary elections since they ousted Hosni Mubarak were a turning point in history – […]

CAIRO (AP) — Drivers passing Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo curse the protesters. On radio shows, callers question whether the youth activists and others involved in the new wave of demonstrations over the past week are nationalists, selfish children or saboteurs. Political differences aside, what has become clear is that the latest clamor against Egypt’s […]

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s civilian Cabinet offered to resign Monday after three days of violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces in Tahrir Square, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. The Health Ministry and a doctor at an improvised field hospital on the square said at least […]