CLICK HERE TO BE FRIENDS WITH FIRST LADY ON FACEBOOK OR CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW HERE ON TWITTER *It looks like Tyler Perry is going to have to calm his Madea character down.  It appears that a possible fan out there has lost her mind trying to emulate Madea. Everyone knows that you can’t just discipline […]

What would make an otherwise loving parent leave their 14 month old child in a sweltering hot car? <!--more-->


Who is protecting the children of Haiti? <!--more-->


With thousands of orphaned children wandering the streets, the earthquake in Haiti has created a fertile climate for child-traffickers <!--more-->


OMG!!!! This just breaks my heart and makes me mad all at the same time. <!--more-->


The sad thing about this is that it happens more than we may believe. Are we that desperate for fame that we will sell our child's soul for a dollar? <!--more-->