
The 411


Say it ain't so Rev. Al, say it ain't so... <!--more-->


....and the Father Of The Year Award goes to.... Papa Joe??? <!--more-->


Finally the true behind the meaning of the words... Or is it? <!--more-->

Lawrence Fishburn yelled "Wake up" at the end of the movie "School Daze" to encourage the student body to wake up and take notice to what was going on around them.


Jennifer Hudson knows there's no place like home..<!--more-->


Brian McKinght seems to be having some trouble at his house. <!--more-->

The best way to make friends with yourself is to take your power back. When you focus on people, and situations, that make your live difficult, you give your power away. This leaves you feeling insecure and out of control.

What's more important, cooking in the Kitchen or the Bedroom? What do you think?