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Grace Jones, who once said she would never write a memoir, has announced she’s writing a memoir.

Comedian Chris Paul gives us his hilarious take on the day’s hottest topics. While Jesse Jackson, Jr. sits behind bars the federal government is auctioning…

Reverend Al Sharpton talks with the crew about the Congressional Black Caucus weekend in Washington D.C.

The Cos is headed to a theater near you. Bill Cosby, the legendary comedian, actor and social philosopher is on tour this fall throughout the…

Nina Davuluri may have won the title of Miss America, but she didn’t immediately win the hearts of America. The critical powerhouse known as Twitter…

The CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) recently reported that the national childhood obesity rate has leveled off and even declined in some…

Believe in what bonds you (source: Bill and Hillary Clinton) Everyone thought that Al and Tipper Gore were the squeaky-clean couple that would last a…

1. The Most Important Kissing Tip: Variety A variety of kisses is very important, Cane says, including the smooching styles he mentioned on “bethenny” –…

Step-by-Step Rx: Tip #1. Turn up your sexuality and femininity in a way that’s true to you. Tip #2. It’s OK to go slow. Let…