About The Loverman Show

Communication Breakdown The effects of poor communication on a relationship can threaten the existence of a relationship itself. The symptoms of communication breakdown include feeling like the other person is not listening, arguing constantly, feeling like nothing of substance is being said and defensiveness, among many other warning signs. All of these symptoms of communication […]

Communicate freely and openly with your partner. Trust is a key component in any relationship, be it platonic or romantic, and having an open dialogue where communications are respected and kept private is integral to building trust. Communication is also important for resolving conflicts; no partner is a mind-reader, and if disappointments and concerns are […]

Having a platonic friend benefits other relationships in your life. Such a friend offers a different perspective on careers,  family and dating relationships. Getting the male or female perspective can help you see life in a new way. A platonic relationship is also beneficial in that a friend of the opposite sex will share interests that […]

Discuss Relationship Goals If you are serious about each other after a year of dating, discuss where you want the relationship to go. If it’s leading toward marriage, discuss how many children you want to have, who will manage the finances and where you want to live after the marriage. Also, mention your beliefs concerning […]

Imagine when you are going to buy a new car or a house? How important to you is cleanliness, good quality and other important details in the selection process. So the image you present is crucial in the attraction stakes. In addition, external attraction factors also include your manners, your voice tone, behaviour and communication […]

He Wastes No Time Players often talk about sex, make jokes about sex and make sexual references about everything. They may want to get to know you as a person but will be very interested in getting you between the sheets as soon as possible. When a man has several children by different women, that […]

Relationships first start within the individual. It is possible for you to have good relationships with people, but first  you have to have a good relationship with yourself. Ask yourself some questions. Would you like to be in a relationship with you? Would you go into a business partnership with you? Would you hire yourself […]

Accept that the relationship is over. Yes, you and your significant other might get back together, but if you spend time fantasizing about that idea, you risk further stress and disappointment. You have to accept a relationship is over before you can truly move on. Express your grief, but do it productively. Don’t post negative […]

Keep constant open and honest communication between you and your partner. The two of you must always be aware of the thoughts and feelings of each other on a variety of topics to gauge just how slow to take things. Several things will help you determine the pace of the relationship. What matters is that you are […]

  Perceive the way men think. Since men are more methodical and think in terms of logistics rather than emotion, it is difficult for them to communicate their feelings to you. Learn how men are hardwired. From the dawn of their existence, men have been hardwired as providers and problem-solvers. Consistency is something that has to […]

Aim low. It goes without saying that most New Year’s resolutions are easier announced (or written) than done-but if you set the bar too high, you’re doomed from the start. Instead of a sweeping declaration like “I will lose 30 pounds by April and finally fit into that dress,” target a goal that’s more attainable, […]

Be realistic by setting achievable goals. Describe your resolutions in specific terms. Instead of “I don’t want to be lazy,” opt for “I want to exercise regularly” or “I will cut down on my television watching. Break down large goals into smaller ones. For instance, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and […]