About The Loverman Show

1. Practice receiving love To truly love is to be able to receive it. When someone loves you, does some kind deeds to you, say kind words, give you gifts, or give you compliments, embrace it. Allow yourself to feel the love that has come your way. 2. Practice saying “no” It is o.k. to […]

Understand each other You and your partner may not agree on everything. When differences arise, understanding must be present. Understand each other especially in making decisions or problem resolution. Avoid nagging your partner or dictating him/her on what to do. Allow your partner to make decisions for himself/herself.  

There’s no doubt Kanye West has won over girlfriend of nine months Kim Kardashian, but as Khloe Kardashian explains, the rapper has also struck up quite a bromance with her husband Lamar Odom! Chatting with Jay Leno in a Dec. 4 Tonight Show interview, the X Factor cohost revealed that Odom, 33, is so tight with West that he sends him rap lyrics […]

1) Sex can relieve pain!  A chemical called oxytocin is released during orgasm, which acts as an effective pain killer. Believe it or not, if your partner has a headache, sex is a sure way to relieve it. (2) Lovemaking can fight off depression.  The endorphins released during sexual activity can improve your overall mood. […]

Don’t mix the feelings from the facts To be able to resolve conflicts and see your partner more clearly, one should separate the facts from the feelings. Ask yourself: could there be something in the past that has influenced how I see the situation right now? Judging from instincts is bad for a relationship.

Poor Eddie Murphy desperately needs a comeback. Remember back in the day when he was so funny on “Saturday Night Live” and in movies like “Trading Places” and “Beverly Hills Cop”? His voice work has helped make movies like “Shrek” and “Mulan” tolerable for adults, and even his family-friendly movies, like “Norbit” and “Dr. Dolittle,” […]

There are certain things that your man is craving in the bedroom that he really wants you to do to him but you have no idea what they are. That is because he isn’t going to tell you and he probably never will. These are his fantasies and typically, people don’t like to talk about […]

Make sure that your significant other feels your love, support and encouragement. It is so nice to go home and know that there is someone ready to listen and to comfort you if needed.

The men of NBC sitcom “Parks and Recreation” traveled from California to work in Indianapolis on Monday. A festive occasion — the bachelor party for character Ben Wyatt (portrayed by Adam Scott) — provided a storyline for this Hoosier field trip, and members of the ensemble cast referred to the day as a fun change […]

THIS IS FROM MEN – LADIES DO THIS  Have a plan. To keep your man from cheating, you need to know what excites him and what is attracting him to the other woman. Then plan to become the woman he will always crave for even when you are not around. Respect your man. Never shout […]

The Gift of Friendship If you are not good friends with your partner, ask yourself why. The point of an intimate relationship should be to form a lasting friendship, and to create an unbreakable bond that can withstand anything. Healthy relationships are based on mutual trust and understanding. If you want to love each other, […]

Wow. This photo from Halloween shows the Spurs stars pointing toy guns at someone dressed as NBA ref Joey Crawford. There’s not much love lost between the Spurs and Crawford, but this is still shocking. Countdown to an epic fine… Tim Duncan is typically seen as one of the NBA’s good guys. Controversy rarely encircles the legendary […]