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Usher recently sat down for an interview with Vibe and once again, he discussed his relationship with his ex-wife Tameka.  He had the following to say when asked how long he was thinking about divorcing Tameka Raymond.

“During our disagreements, that’s when I really began to contemplate marriage and if this is someone whom I’m compatible with. Anytime we had a disagreement or an argument, I began to contemplate: Wow, is this really gonna work out? I’m going through hell right now, given the fact that people have an opinion about our relationship. I can’t be unhappy at home and fighting the wars or the opinions outside… ‘You should’ve handled things this way,’ ‘I wish you would’ve said this,’ ‘You’re handling me wrong,’ ‘I don’t like the way I’m feeling about this’—it could be anything, man.”

We get it Usher. You were unhappy in your marriage with her. We know you two were not a good fit. We also have witnessed Tameka and her antics for ourselves.  But you did have two sons with her. Two sons who one day will be able to read everything that you ever said about their Mother. For that reason, I think that Usher should keep quiet. Stop discussing the relationship and please for the love of God, stop discussing the divorce.

It is the interviewer’s responsibility to pry and to dig into the celebrities personal life. It is the celebrities role to know when to shut up and not invite everyone into their personal lives. Especially if they become easily insulted by the opinions of others as we have seen from Usher’s behavior in the past in regards to his marriage. We all remember the rant on MTV TRL where he suddenly felt the need to defend his wife from the bloggers and opinions of others. Well, things have drastically changed since then. My advice to Usher is to keep it quiet about his wife from here on out. It is the safest direction for him and his two sons.

Quote Via: Crunktastical

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