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If you’ve seen the videos from Beyonce‘s new self-titled “visual” album, it no surprise that she’s under fire from individuals and groups saying that she’s gone too far.

Bey has been catching heat from some over the provocative tracks on the CD, including songs “Blow” and “Drunk in Love,” according to

Beyonce is also being accused of ‘cashing in’ on her daughter, Blue Ivy, who is seen in one of the videos. Already some are petitioning YouTube, where the 17 videos can be seen, and iTunes, where the self-titled album of 14 songs can be purchased, to ban the explicit content.

Here’s what Mediawatch-UK, had to say about the project:

“This is such a shame to see because Beyonce didn’t get to where she is by jumping on the same bandwagon as Rihanna and people like that who we expect to be explicit and controversial. She was the one we always thought we could count on to set a good example and keep producing music with powerful messages that empowered women and girls. And I would have thought that a star of her magnitude wouldn’t need to do something like this. She has sold out and it’s really sad. Like it or not Beyonce is a role model and she needs to take responsibility for that. Especially as a mother herself, it’s very surprising that she would do this.”

Read more Here.