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Your time together versus your time apart

Sure, you love to get your own way—but it’s hard to have a happy relationship if you never let your partner have a say.

Here’s the thing: Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to spend every minute together—you have friends and interests outside of your relationship, right? So come up with the right balance of time with each other versus time apart (say, each of you gets a night out with friends every week but Saturday night is reserved for the two of you), and stick to it.

Your sex life

Sex every other week works for you. But your partner wants to get it on four times a week. If it’s not a health issue (a simple blood test can rule out a hormonal problem) or an emotional problem (like stress from a job loss) then you need to step it up, says Bree Maresca-Kramer, a certified therapist in South Florida. “The goal is to meet somewhere in the middle, so you’re both satisfied,” she adds.

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Compromises Couples Should Make  was originally published on