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Flirt with your man. Just because you are already in a relationship doesn’t mean that the concept of flirting should just disappear. Remember the flirtatious interaction that got you together in the first place. Have some fun. Tease each other. Make flirtatious and lighthearted comments to each other. Make him feel special. From flashing a smile to patting him on the shoulder, go the extra mile. Express your interest in him.

  • Have your own life. Although it may seem bizarre, men appreciate and love women who are independent and strong. Avoid the pitfall of coming across as a clingy woman. Do not make your life solely about him. Participate in social activities, hang out with your friends and family and engage in hobbies that make you happy. Be your own person and not just one half of a couple.

  • Have confidence. Men are attracted to women who are self confident. If you show a man that you love and respect yourself, he likely will return those feelings back at you.

  • Maintain your appearance. It is impossible to deny that physical attraction is a strong component to keeping a relationship interesting and healthy. Do not get so comfortable in a relationship that you let yourself go completely. Follow a nutritious diet, exercise on a regular basis, make an effort to dress well (get out of the sweatpants and raggedy socks) and keep yourself groomed and clean. Expect the same from your man, as well.

  • Appreciate your man. Let him know that you appreciate who he is and all that he does for you. Whether he drove 15 minutes out of his way to get you a surprise flower bouquet after work or whether he just told you a laugh-out-loud joke, let him know that you love him for who he is and how he makes you feel.

  • Do not be possessive. Allow him to have freedom. If a man feels that his independence is gone due to this relationship with you, he might feel suffocated and lose interest with you. Do not nag him about his every little action and try to control his life. Allow him to be his own person.

  • Be spontaneous. Relationships thrive on newness. Do not be afraid to add some spontaneity into your relationship. Whether you want to participate in a new hobby together or you occasionally surprise him with a last-minute weekend getaway to the mountains, change up the routine every so often.