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Insecurity is typically the root cause of jealousy in the dating relationship.  Although if you are dating someone right now and you find yourself feeling jealous of the other women in his life, there’s a chance that he has given you a reason to feel this way. Feelings of jealousy often arise when your significant other has not made you feel secure about your place in his life.

However, feeling jealous does not mean you should act on those feelings by doing something illogical or impulsive.

1. Choose to believe and accept what he is telling you as the truth

2. Choose not to believe him, be paranoid and distrust everything he tells you

3. Choose not to believe him and end the relationship

There is no need to be a private investigator in your relationship. Either the man in your life is going to be honest with you or he’s not, but you have to make the decision to trust him and know that the truth always comes to the light, if you are paying attention.

So if you find yourself feeling jealous of the women in your man’s life, keep these 4 tips in mind:

1. NEVER ignore your intuition. Unless you’re mentally unstable (and I recognize that some people are) your feelings are trying to tell you something.

2. Confront the situation before it escalates.

3. Acknowledge your man’s role in your feelings of jealousy. Has he made you feel like you can trust him?

4. So often women are taught to believe that feelings of jealousy in intimate relationships falls solely on her shoulders and we neglect to acknowledge the man’s role in our problem. When a man truly cares and loves you, there will be no room for questions or doubts about your relationship because he will make it perfectly clear to you that you’re the only one in his life.