Plots to suppress the African American vote date back to the Reconstruction Era. Prior to the Voter Rights Act of 1965, these were some of the more commonly used tactics by conservatives who wanted to keep blacks from voting. SEE ALSO: Why Newt Scares Me Violence In 1873, a gang of whites in Colfax, Louisiana […]

It’s high time we, the majority, take our country back: When certain individuals began chanting their mantra of ‘take our country back’, the rest of us hoped that it wasn’t a subliminal message to strip away this nation’s advancements and take us back to some sort of Jim Crow era. But in such a short […]

In response to reports that new voter laws could prohibit nearly five million people from voting, Senate Democrats are launching a campaign aimed at raising awareness about the new restrictions. The campaign, called the “2012 Election Protection Project,” will feature online advertisements on Twitter, Facebook, Google and mobile devices. Voting rights for millions of law-abiding […]

By Tony Lamont On this date in history the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. arrived at the state capitol in Montgomery, Ala., to protest blacks being denied the right to vote. The March started out in Selma with about 3,200 participants, and by the time they reached Montgomery the crowd had grown to 25,000. President […]

Philadelphia (HuffPo)– An African-American woman in Philadelphia reported that staff in a voting center made her affirm that her address was correct by swearing on the Bible. Lindsay Granger, shared her discontent on her personal blog, on the grounds that she is not Christian, and her “hypersensitive” feelings on the history of African-Americans voting rights.