Go get tested! Today is National HIV Testing Day, and with the African-American community hardest hit by this disease, we implore all to go get tested. The president spoke this weekend on the importance of this day. “National HIV Testing Day reminds each of us to do our part in fighting HIV/AIDS and get tested,” […]

A couple of weeks ago I posted about June 27th’s National HIV Testing Day and to keep our readers up to speed, that day is today. I encourage each and every one of the readers of Hello Beautiful to take advantage of this day by going out and getting tested. Not only should you get […]

Recently, I was asked to promote National HIV Testing Day (June 27th) and came across the startling statistics regarding Black women. So of course, I got to thinking: Why are our numbers continuously rising when the overall numbers of those infected have remained somewhat steady, if not declining? And despite what most people would have […]

The department of health in Massachusetts has announced that HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for African-American women in the state. It was also found that more than half of all AIDS cases there consist of black women specifically — most of whom became infected by their intimate partners. Dr. Bela Bashar, a clinical […]

SAN FRANCISCO – Several scientific journals are calling Timothy Ray Brown the first man cured of AIDS. Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1996 but now the virus has been completely removed from his body thanks to stem cells. CBS San Francisco reports: “I’m cured of HIV. I had HIV but I don’t anymore,” he […]

Candice Wiggins has already made history with professional women’s basketball, but that’s only her half of her story. In high school she was listed as the best shooting guard in the nation and won a scholarship to Stanford to play volleyball and basketball, an amazing feat, but not the whole story. She chose Stanford over […]

When I was in high school, this Armenia kid named Nicky ran up on me one day and said, “Hey Byers! You know how you get five Black men to stop raping a white woman?” I shrugged. “Toss them a basketball!” he said. “That joke is dumb,” I said after a pause. “It should have […]