So that ‘green card’ joke from last nights Oscars…nope. Not at all. I wasn’t feeling it. I instantly knew that Sean Penn was delivering an…

Selma may have gotten the shaft at the 87th Academy Awards for major nominations but scored a huge win at the night’s telecast. John Legend…

The Academy Awards have no problem honoring historical dramas, period pieces or scripts “based on a true story,” but has such admiration for these themes…

Win or lose at Sunday’s Oscars, nominees will not be leaving the ceremony empty handed. “Variety” says all nominees in this Oscar’s acting and director categories will receive gift bags valued at more than 125-thousand-dollars — a 45-thousand-dollar increase from last year’s gift bag, which was only valued at 80-thousand-dollars. This year’s pricey swag includes […]

Academy-Award winner, Jennifer Hudson is about to merge her music and acting worlds. Jennifer who won the coveted gold statue for Best Supporting Actress in 2006…

Spike Lee and Rev. Al Sharpton are not holding back on Selma director Ava DuVernay and the film’s lead actor David Oyelowo being shut out…