
Jaime Harrison, the Democratic nominee challenging U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina, has fallen short in his historic bid to replace an incumbent who was largely seen as vulnerable.

Exit polling data was painting a broad picture of the election's results and the role that Black voters, in particular, were playing in it.


The NAACP is live streaming online coverage of the 2020 election in an effort to bring forward timely, relevant, and authentic stories of the Black experience in critical cities and swing states from around the country.


Here are all the options to make sure mailed in ballots get counted.


There was a growing sense that voters would be subjected to a range of suppression efforts as Election Day voting officially got underway.


Black women have made strides in the political space, but Glynda C. Carr, President and CEO of Higher Heights, says they’re not done yet. Here are 20 races where Black women can make a lasting impact on Election Day.


Ainka Jackson, the founding and current executive director, and her team, accomplish this by partnering with local and national organizations, like Black Voters Matter, while galvanizing community involvement.

From candidates for Congress to the U.S. Senate, a change in the balance of power on Capitol Hill is looming large in certain pockets of America depending on how the down-ballot elections turn out.

"Did you see the way our people, they were, ya know, protecting this bus, because they're nice," President Trump said of the so-called "Trump Train" caravan.

  Pennsylvania may have taken Ohio’s shine as THE swing state in the 2020 presidential election, but Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s last-minute stop in Cleveland late Monday morning shows Ohio’s 18 electoral votes are still at play in the road to 270. “The power to change the country is in your hands. I don’t […]


Pennsylvania law enforcement officials said they’re preparing for a worst-case scenario in locations where people are most concerned about militias and hate groups intimidation voters at the polls.


The solution now for people who are missing their ballots is to go to their clerk’s office and pick one up.