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Source: Radio One Digital / Urban One

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Actress Camille Winbush Talks About The Dirty Truth Behind Residuals

Actress Camille Winbush, known for her role as Vanessa on The Bernie Mac Show, recently made headlines by announcing her decision to start an OnlyFans page. Winbush, who was just a child when the show aired, explained that while she still receives residual checks from her time on the show, they are no longer sufficient to sustain her lifestyle.

The actress emphasized that her decision was made from a place of necessity and should not be judged by those outside the industry. Winbush highlighted the importance of finding alternative income sources, especially in an industry as volatile as entertainment. Despite some initial shock from fans, many have expressed support for Winbush as she takes control of her financial future.

Rhianna is ready to Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk

In a recent interview, Rihanna shared exciting news about her music career, revealing her plans to start fresh with her highly anticipated album. She expressed a desire to re-learn music and approach her work with a new perspective, emphasizing that she wants to avoid anything old. Despite this, she mentioned revisiting some of her previous creations from the past year to see if they still inspire her. This announcement has generated a wave of excitement among fans, who are eagerly awaiting her next musical masterpiece.

Serena Williams Lays It All Out For Caitlin Clark

Serena Williams, known for her fierce tennis game, recently shared a message of support for basketball star Caitlin Clark regarding dealing with haters. Williams advised Clark to avoid social media and ignore negative comments, suggesting that detractors often criticize out of jealousy or inability to achieve what she has. Serena’s advice, delivered with a blend of toughness and wisdom, reflects her own experience with handling public scrutiny. As both athletes navigate their respective sports under the spotlight, Serena’s words resonate with many facing similar challenges. Her message reinforces the importance of staying focused on one’s goals and not letting negativity derail personal progress.