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AHA event on Monument Circle

Source: SamFritz / Sam Fritz

INDIANAPOLIS — The American Heart Association celebrated their Centennial on Monument Circle Monday. The organization was founded on June 10th, 1924 by six cardiologists who were aiming to improve heart health in America.

At their Monday event the AHA had stands that were meant to educate Hoosiers not only on the organization’s history, but on their present as well. Attendees at the event could read up on the many accomplishments over the AHA’s 100-year history as well as get a blood pressure screening and learn “hands only” CPR. They also had areas celebrating survivors of heart disease.

Amanda Mills, the Executive Director of the AHA says that she didn’t have a personal connection to heart disease when she started working at the AHA, but one developed over time.

“After working for the Heart Association, it really hit home personally. I lost my mom to heart disease about 7 years ago. She was in her mid-60’s and way too young. It’s not unusual to hear stories like that. Everybody has a personal connection at some point in their life to heart disease and stroke and that’s mine.

The Centennial event was the AHA’s first time holding an event on Monument Circle, Mills was unaware if they would be there again for their 101st birthday. However, she encouraged others to get involved in the multiple yearly events they hold.

“We have other events every single year that are staples in our community. Including the Heart Walk which is in September. This year it is September 21st at Victory Field.” she said. “We also have the “Go Red for Women Luncheon” that historically takes place in February and our Heart and Stroke Ball.”

Information on all the American Heart Association Events is available on their web site,

Mill claimed that over the 100 years of its existence the AHA’s biggest accomplishment was reducing deaths related to cardiovascular disease by over 50%.

She also said that the biggest thing people need to know more about is that over 80% of heart disease is preventable. People can work towards a healthier heart by being screened regularly, following a healthy diet, and getting basic exercise.

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