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06/18/14 –

Dear Tom,

I have been a teacher in Florida for 10 years.   Last year, after being at the same school for 8 years, a friend that I worked with gave me the opportunity to help her open a charter school.  This promotion would move me from the classroom to administration—something that i have always wanted to do, so i accepted and left my school.

Unfortunately, my stepping out to do something good—backfired horribly.  After four months of working to get students enrolled and the school up and running successfully, I was hit by a bomb when i was fired, along with two others, due to budget cuts.  Thankfully, after one month of no pay and no employment, I was rehired by my school district as a teacher. But, by then i had no savings to carry me through the summer months when school is out and my salary temporarily ends.

Tom, my last check is June 20th until I go back to work at the end of august.  I have also had to exhaust all my resources getting my son ready to leave for college in July.  I have been applying for jobs for the summer and have found nothing.  I’m embarrassed to have to write this, but i am in desperate need of a Christmas wish to cover my rent for July and August when a new school year begins and I can once again stand on my own.

CHRISTMAS WISH: Tracey Washington  was originally published on