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Hundreds of people lost their homes, belongings and independence after Hurricane Sandy brought with her torrential rains and violent winds when she touched down in the New York/ New Jersey region, weeks ago. Celebrities banned together to lend their voices to the benefit concert in Madison Square Garden, hoping to encourage folks to give. Kanye West and Alicia Keys were among the star-studded lineup. She and Yeezy performed over 20 songs including: “Power,” “No One” and “Diamonds.”

“I was born and raised in New York City, I still live, right now down the street in New York City. This is our city, this is everybody’s city and the resilience of this city is incredible. I love my city,” said Keys, commanding the audience to light up MSG with their cellphones or lighters. Kudos to the entertainers for taking time out of their schedules to support a good cause!

The proceeds will go to the Robin Hood Relief Fund.

See the performances, here.

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Kanye West & Alicia Keys Perform At 12-12-12 Benefit Concert  was originally published on