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ATLANTA — An Atlanta 12-year-old girl recently solved a crime using her detective skills.

When Jessica Maple’s family home was burglarized, she used the detective skills she learned from the Junior DA program at the Fulton County District Attorney’s office.

After furniture, beds and the washer and dryer were found missing, Maple used her skills to find the burglar.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

A police officer told Jessica’s family someone must have had a key to the home to have been able to remove such large items. But no one but her mom, Stephanie, had a key, Jessica said. Then she noticed shattered glass from the broken garage door and dark fingerprints someone left behind.

Next, family members visited a local pawn shop, where they were shocked to find the furnishings from the home. The owner of the shop told Jessica’s mother about the two men who brought the items in and had their photo IDs, too.

Read More At The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


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