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Well, here it is…

I surveyed several men all weekend. Don’t get me wrong. Men love, need and have to have sex from their lady. But, besides sex, most men said they want their woman to be interested in their dreams, hobbies and work.

Here’s a few things men would like women to ask and say:

Even if it’s something off the hook, it’s still a dream for him. Don’t knock it down. You could say something like, “Baby, you can do it. I’ll support you in any way that I can.”

You’re going fishing, can I make you lunch before you go? And catch a lot of them for me! (That’s showing interest)

How was your day today, honey?

And something that every one of the guys I talked to said they would like to get is a massage without asking.

Wow…these things are simple, but very important.