An eight-minute-long video was uploaded onto YouTube on Wednesday showing New York City policemen, uniformed and plainclothes, roughing up three African-American minors. Based on that video, Officer John McDevitt has been…


UPDATED Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 8:39 p.m., E.T. – The victims have been identified as New York Police Department Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, according…

We are at a loss for words. Two cops were killed on a Brooklyn street today after a crazed gunman shot the officers, execution style,…


Eric Garner’s daughter has responded to criticism that Rev. Al Sharpton’s recent Washington march excluded young activists. Emerald Garner (pictured center), who co-chaired Sharpton’s “Justice For…


In the aftermath of ongoing nationwide protests against police violence in the Black community, President Barack Obama Thursday signed an executive order to create a…


A few months ago Hillary Clinton came under fire after she refused to comment on the protests that took place in Ferguson following the death…


Following the murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner—both at the hands of the police—law enforcement officials and their practices for policing black communities have…

Samaria Rice is a mother of four children and she recently lost one of them and we’ve all seen the horrific footage of it happening.…


Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…

      Samuel L. Jackson is requesting celebrities to put up or shut up with violence against blacks involving racist police officers. Jackson created a video message…