
Members of George Floyd's family delivered an unexpected address during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention in an effort to both bring attention to the police violence.


Michelle Obama was scheduled to be front and center on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention with a keynote speech that, if history was any indication, will be remembered for years to come.

A new poll shows that Joe Biden has historic support among Black voters in spite -- or because -- of Candace Owens' ridiculous Blexit movement encouraging Black people to abandon the Democratic Party.

Amid ongoing protests against racism and an overall racial reckoning taking place in the U.S, one could be forgiven for expecting to hear from more Black voices at this year's Democratic National Convention.

There is a budding movement calling for LeBron James to be included among the slate of speakers scheduled to take part in the Democratic National Convention.

Regardless if you like Joe Biden's decision to name Kamala Harris as his choice for Vice President of the United States, its already paying off for him...literally.

We are truly in the upside-down. The bootleg dictator Donald Trump is doing whatever in his power to keep Americans from using mail-in voting for this upcoming presidential election. Still, it's quite alright if he and his wife using the reliable method to safely vote.

The former president calls out a plan characterized as "sabotage" by Democrats.

The president's former attorney and top advisor prepared some bombshells in his upcoming book, including that pesky Russian matter.

A racist and sexist cartoon against the potential vice president is the latest in demeaning commentary.

Huffington Post journalist, Shirish (S.V.) Dáte risked it all yesterday during Donald Trump's rally events disguised as "coronavirus briefings" and asked Trump the one question honestly we have all wanted to ask the orange menace.

Joe Biden's decision to pick Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate is paying off in more ways than one.