Loverman Tips of The Day

Make good on your words. Follow through on your promises. When you say you’re going to do something, do it. Don’t say that you’ll cook dinner, or get a birthday present, and then blow it off or simply forget about it. What this does is systematically destroy trust. And relationships need trust in order to […]

Develop better communication. Most people aren’t born great communicators it’s something nearly everyone has to work at. The way you talk to your partner might seem small, but you do it several times a day and it does have an effect. Consider these fixes: Don’t use directive language. Try to keep phrases like “you should” or “you […]

Listen to your partner. Sometimes, all your partner wants is for you to lend an ear and be sympathetic about one of their problems. Other times, your partner wants you to actively give them advice. Know which one your partner is looking for, and try to give them what they want. Being a good listener […]

HOW TO STAY IN LOVE – Know the other person. Know the other as a person in their own right. Be open to the other’s heart. Let your hearts speak to each other. Give yourself completely and unconditionally. Don’t put conditions on your love. Love the other person. Respect, cherish them. Have each other without […]

Show your love. Hold hands, kiss, hug, cuddle, snuggle, or wrap arms around shoulders or waists. Become close and really comfortable with each other physically and emotionally. Share every part of yourself (your heart, mind, and soul), not just your body. Look your partner in the eyes. When you talk to them and when you’re […]

Focus on the little things. Romance can be practiced every day, and it doesn’t have to be expensive or grand. In fact, sometimes the most romantic moments are simple, spontaneous and free. There are millions of ways to say i love you and “I’m lucky to have you.” Think of the world as your medium. You […]

Admit your mistakes. If you know you’ve done something to hurt your partner, intentionally or not, own up to it. Humble yourself and apologize sincerely, without making excuses or justifications like “I’m sorry you made me angry.” Commit to changing your behavior. If you notice yourself apologizing for the same mistake over and over, step […]

Give time. Loverman Says: Giving time is the ultimate romantic gesture. It will mean a great deal if you’re usually stretched for time and you choose to give up the a day to spend with your beloved, doing things together that have nothing to do with work, raising a family, paying bills, etc.  Just allow […]

Loverman Says: be realistic. Every relationship has disagreements and days when staying isn’t the easiest choice. But what makes a relationship healthy is choosing to resolve those problems and push through the hard days, instead of just letting issues and resentment fester. Review your expectations. Do you see your partner as a person, with both […]

Continue dating. Over the years, people often drift apart or relationships and marriages become stale because couples fail to do new and special things together. That’s why going on new and refreshing dates is so important. In fact, there is something about “dating” that creates a sense of magic in a relationship and can even […]

Loverman Says” Always Express Your Love.                                                                Oftentimes, as a relationship matures, partners tend to stop praising each other because they ‘assume’ their partner already […]

Loverman says” Take time to understand your partner. Couples with the most problems are often the ones that say, “I just don’t understand him/her.” So let me ask you: How knowledgeable are you about your mate’s profession or the degree they are pursuing? Do you know anything about his or her family heritage? Are you […]