Loverman Tips of The Day

Keep common interests. It’s easy to grow apart in the long term if you have nothing in common. Find a hobby you both enjoy or a cause you both support. Seek common ground and stay connected.

Avoid criticizing and judging your spouse. Giving praise to your spouse is important as it guides them as to what is important to you, what you like about them and what they do that makes you feel loved. Constantly criticizing one another drives a wedge in the relationship, creates resentment and halts communication. The more […]

Communicate on a regular basis. Your partner cannot read your thoughts, no matter how well you know each other. Be sure to communicate your needs, desires and concerns with your partner; don’t make him guess what’s on your mind, even if you believe what you’re thinking or feeling is obvious. In turn, listen to your […]

Create new memories. Take the time to acknowledge any powerful moments shared between each other. Know that powerful moments can spring from ordinary daily events. For example, a simple I love you, whispered while watching TV may be remembered by your partner forever.

Respect yourself. It’s true that relationships rarely function if either partner is suffering from low self-esteem. Supporting and enjoying yourself will help to prevent you from allowing others to walk over, manipulate or hurt you. That kind of staying power helps you offer better support for your partner and become a sturdier, healthier, happier individual.

Make time for your partner, and make that time a priority. Keep your commitments once they’re made, no matter what temptations might arise elsewhere. When together with your partner, focus on being intimate and relaxed; avoid being distracted by outside interests.

Remain open-minded. Understand that some things won’t change, and your partner’s value system, beliefs and interests will likely remain with them always in  your relationship. Accept those things that cannot harm your bond or health, and learn to tolerate and even celebrate those attributes that make you different from each other.

Consider your partner’s sexual needs. Sex is a big part of a romantic relationship, and, like so much else, remains a matter of give and take. Avoid judging your partner’s interests or boundaries and speak openly about what you want and need.

Be loyal. Make sure your love knows that you will always be there for them. Put them first in your life as much as you possibly can.  Not that you can’t talk to anyone else, but they should know that they can always count on you if he/she needs something. Also, expect the same loyalty. […]

Remain open-minded. Understand that some things won’t change, and your partner’s value system, beliefs and interests will likely remain with him for the entirety of your relationship. Accept those things that cannot harm your bond or health, and learn to tolerate and even celebrate those attributes that make you different from each other.

Argue with respect. Attempt to view issues from both sides. Take a breath and remain calm when angry, or take a break from fighting for several minutes. Do not belittle your partner’s views or attack her personally. Stay on track and you might realize that such debates can eventually help to solve problems within the […]

Check on your relationship periodically. You don’t want to become overly concerned with maintaining the relationship, but a periodic checkup can help. Ask your partner about the relationship and how things are going. This can help you see how the other feels right now in your relationship.