Loverman Tips of The Day

Even with open and honest communication, arguments will happen. Fighting fair when arguments do arise allows you to maintain the mutual respect in your relationship. Fighting fair means using I statements instead of You Did This. You statements are statements of blame and are only designed to belittle the other person. Stop now, and fight […]

Accepting Flaws (you have them too) Over time, you will certainly discover traits in your partner that annoy you. They are usually small things like the cap on the toothpaste. Do not stress over this. Get over it, and  love  our partner with all the little flaws.

Importance – Giving importance to your partner is a very much needed aspect to keep the relationship strong and healthy. When you give importance to your partner- the person you love, they notice it and respect it. If you don’t give your partner the required importance, it will start to create issues in your relationship […]

Humor is a great therapy for your relationship. Once in a while, show  your partner the funny side of you, Have fun – tickle each other.  Remember you never get to old to have fun.  Your partner will crave being around. Who does not want to have fun?

Supporting each others Goals dreams Etc. It’s important for a successful happy married life.  When a partner does not  support are encourage – this could lead to a break up. You and your partner should be encouraging each other.  And  giving each other enough freedom to do so. When times get hard, you back each  other up instead […]

Apart from being a good communicator you must be a good listener. You must let other person speak his or her mind. This way even you would know about the other persons likes and dislikes. When you listen you are sending the message that LOOK I CARE ABOUT YOU.  Listening many times is more important […]

Start over.  Get your groove back in your relationship.  JUST SIMPLY START ALL OVER – go on a date.  Enjoy that bedroom again.  Kiss like you did in the beginning.  Some couples are able to do this and achieve a new feeling again within their relationships. Forgive, and Forget.  Wipe the slate clean.

Set goals for your relationship and yourself and ask your partner to do the same.  IT WILL GIVE YOU AND YOUR PARTNER SOMETHING TO STRIVE FOR.  Keeping your relationship fresh and you as an individual feeling accomplished.

Don’t let money push you apart. If you have financial difficulties, talk about it, pray and plan to recover. Understand that there is a big financial pie out there and you two can and will somehow get your share. On the other hand, if you have money, don’t let some good looking person who is […]

Enjoy a Steady Diet of Sex If you want to maintain closeness with your man, Enjoy that bed. Men feel more comfortable connecting with women on a physical level, not engaging in deep discussions. To keep your bond strong, approach your lust life as you would your workout or your diet — make it part […]

Love is perhaps our most powerful emotion, and the need to be in a loving relationship may be one of the strongest needs we have. Being in an intimate relationship makes us feel connected, not only to our partner, but also to the world at large. When our hearts are filled with love, we feel profoundly […]

Follow through on your promises. When you say you’re going to do something, do it. Don’t say that you’ll cook dinner, or get a birthday present, and then blow it off or simply forget about it. What this does is systematically destroy trust. And relationships need trust in order to thrive.