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On Tuesday, Robert Kelly sat down with CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King to argue that he didn’t sexually abuse women and girls…

And the whole thing was a big, hot mess.

According to CBS News, Kelly is currently facing 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Out of the four alleged victims, three were underage when the suspected crimes occurred. Kelly pleaded not guilty to all charges, and now federal and state authorities are investigating a variety of allegations, especially in the states of New York and Illinois.

Instead of letting the investigations follow through, Robert thought it was a bright idea to go on T.V. to try and convince us that he’s innocent.

Unsurprisingly, Kelly’s interview was filled with moments that didn’t make him seem any less guilty (or ridiculous).

If anything, the interview made Gayle King seem like the MVP of the week. The journalist and T.V. host kept a commendably straight face in the midst of Robert’s tantrums and odd choice of wording.

For example, Kelly said he was tired of the “lies” against him, and when King asked about these lies he speaks of, Kelly responded:

“Oh my God. Um — all of them, got little girls trapped in the basement… helicopters over my house trying to rescue someone that doesn’t need rescuing because they’re not in my house. Handcuffing people, starving people. I have a harem, what you call it – a cult. I don’t even really know what a cult is. But I know I don’t have one.”


King then asked Kelly if he’s broken any laws when it comes to women, to which he replied, “absolutely not.”

She pressed the question when she brought up the monumental Lifetime documentary Surviving R. Kelly, which showed alleged victims detailing Kelly’s history of abuse.

“If you really look at that documentary, which I’m sure you have… everybody says something bad about me,” Kelly said. “Nobody said nothing good. They were describing Lucifer. I’m not Lucifer. I’m a man. I make mistakes, but I’m not a devil, and by no means am I a monster.”

In the interview, Kelly also denied that he’s ever had sex with someone under 17 years old.

Then, probably the most outrageous part of the interview came when Gayle questioned Kelly on whether he’s ever held someone against their will.

That’s when the dramatics exploded:

“I didn’t do this stuff,” Kelly said. “This is not me. I’m fighting for my fu*king life! Ya killing me with this sh*t!”

Peep the tirade for yourself in the second video below.


The dramatic tone shift had the Internet completely and utterly over Kelly.

Two captured moments, in particular, sparked hilarious commentary and profound observations.


Hit the next pages for more comments to go with Kelly’s dramatics.

They range from pure comedy to the undeniable truths.

These R. Kelly Memes Prove Robert Was No Match For Gayle King In Outrageous Interview  was originally published on

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