Listen Live
Listen Live Graphics (Indy)



LIVE. Are your days flying by without you? Are you feeling lost and confused? Are you tired of letting life take you down? No more! Get out of bed. Get off the couch. Get outside! Go to the mall! Find a friend and have lunch! Talk with your family on the phone! You do not have to do something every second of every day. But you can live again by just simply doing something. Tired because you watch too much TV? Confused because you have no direction in life? Is your day too planned out or not enough planned out to live a little? Stop thinking. Stop wishing. Stop daydreaming. Make your dreams become reality. Travel. Make friends. Learn a language. Find a hobby. Read a great book. Dance. Play outside. Go on a long hike. Be adventurous. Do something you have always wanted to do. Live for you. Live just a little and gain a lot!

  • Step 2


    LAUGH. Do you smile much anymore? Do you throw your head back and giggle? Did you forget how to laugh? No more! Get out of bed. Get off the couch. Laugh at yourself today at something silly you did. Laugh with your friends over something funny you saw today. Laugh at a joke your co-workers told you today. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh! Giggle. Chuckle. Smile. Be silly. Let your hair down. Have fun. So what if you did something embarrassing. Laugh at it! Laugh out loud. Laugh because you can. Laugh because your funny. Laugh because it is good for you. Laugh because we only live once. Laugh because you are so happy. Tickle your boyfriend. Make your girlfriend die of laughter. Show your kids a goofy face. Tell a joke today? Make someone laugh today? Laugh today? Laugh for you. Laugh just a little and gain a lot!

  • Step 3


    LOVE. Feeling depressed? Find yourself spending a lot of time alone? Forgot how to love others and most importantly how to love yourself? No more! Get out of bed. Get off the couch. Give more hugs. Give more kisses. Hold someone’s hand more. Tell someone how much you love him or her. Write someone a love letter. Give a gift to someone who needs help. Look in the mirror and love the person you see. Love yourself more. Love you for you. Love your boyfriend for who he is. Love your family for who they are. Love your neighbors. Love your enemies. Spend more time with people you care about. Love others as you would want to be loved. Stop complaining about having no love in your life. Look around you. Have at least one friend? Have a family? Have a significant other? You are loved. Love just a little and gain a lot!