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Listen Live Graphics (Indy)

• Are you texting one another instead of talking

• Is one person making all the decisions and the other simply agreeing to it

• Do you have discussions about where the relationship is going

• Do you address issues and concerns and then work on correcting them

• Have you or your mate found yourself disinterested but afraid of hurting the others feeling by letting go.

The basic purpose of texting is to tell someone something quickly. Texting is a quick form of communication but is not meant to be the most significant form. In a relationship two individuals need to stop texting and make a phone call to arrange a time to sit down together, face to face and discuss issues. Texting can cause so much confusion. If the letters are bold one may feel the other is yelling at them or being too forceful. If one word is missed it can completely disrupt the message. Texting is impersonal and has no feeling so we tend to put our personal feelings behind the words. Our personal feeling may not be remotely close to how our mate is feeling.