This week, former Florida governor Jeb Bush took to his Facebook page to announce that he has “decided to actively explore the possibility of running…


A few months ago Hillary Clinton came under fire after she refused to comment on the protests that took place in Ferguson following the death…

It’s taken her about three weeks, but Hillary Clinton has finally spoken out about her thoughts on what’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri. During a speaking…

I’m as excited over the prospects of casting a vote for Hillary Clinton for president as I am being given a pedicure with a butcher’s knife. Clinton…

At the rate we’re going, the second Clinton administration will feel like the longest one of our natural lives. That prediction is based on the longstanding…


Clinton versus Obama, so six years ago right? Wrong! The two one-time political rivals are being compared to each other again as Hillary Clinton likely…

Indianapolis is in the running to host the 2016 Democratic National Convention. A total of 30 cities were initially invited to submit applications, but that number has been whittled down to 15. Cities now have until June 6th to submit their proposals to host the event. A final decision is expected late this year or early next year. […]

A woman was taken into federal custody yesterday (April 11, 2014) after throwing a shoe at former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton began a Las Vegas convention keynote speech. The incident happened moments after Clinton took the stage at a Las Vegas convention of an Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting at the Mandalay Bay resort. Clinton […]

Hillary Clinton hasn’t announced her intent to enter the 2016 presidential race, but a coalition of African American loyalists are urging Clinton to toss her…

Ted Nugent (pictured) has long proven himself to be nothing more than the Ku Klux Klan meets a fine arts class. That said, no one…


Is it some kind of unwritten rule that only people with the last name of Bush or Clinton get to run for president, Barack Obama…