Loverman Tips of The Day

Resolve conflicts at the right time. You may be tempted to handle problems immediately out of fear that they may become worse. However, sometimes it is better to wait until both parties have cooled off, at which point you can talk rationally about a good solution.

Accept your differences and allow those to strengthen your relationship. Don’t view your differences as problems, but view them as an opportunity for you to be with someone who will bring you out of your comfort zone. Differences can bring about a good change in both people, and they don’t always have to be problems.

Choose your partner wisely. Having similar tastes, hobbies, temper and goals in life is very important even though you will be opposite in some nice ways. If you two have different relationship goals, you should try to find different partners. It will eventually lead to mild and even harsh conflicts, but even these type of conflicts will […]

If there is a problem between the two of you, never use a “silent treatment”, blame, blackmail, or humiliate the person that you love. It will only lead to an argument or unneeded outbursts of anger. A lot more effective approach is to discuss the problem and explain your feeling.

Accept your differences and allow those to strengthen your relationship. Don’t view your differences as problems, but view them as an opportunity for you to be with someone who will bring you out of your comfort zone. Differences can bring about a good change in both people, and they don’t always have to be problems.

Walk Away! This is a different type of tip in that while you want to engage with your partner and resolve conflict, sometimes you may have to walk away from the conflict…especially if you or your partner becomes verbally or physically abusive. You have the right to walk away. If you have asked your partner […]

Make Time For Intimacy: So many couples fall into the trap of being best friends after years of being together. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as they never lose the passion they have for one another also. Make time for romance and intimacy by touching, hugging and kissing. Romance doesn’t always have […]

Time Apart.  This is another one of those tips that may seem a little unorthodox, but it is imperative for the success of your relationship. You are both individuals, you will have different views, different perspectives and probably different friends. With all these differences surely you will enjoy different things. To be sure that you […]

Keep things private All couples argue and quarrel. This is the spice of life. There is not one single relationship that does not have arguments. Remember to keep all arguments private between you and your partner. A lot of couples when they have arguments, they start telling people or friends about their arguments. This is […]

Develop better communication.   Most people aren’t born great communicators — it’s something nearly everyone has to work at. The way you talk to your partner might seem small, but you do it several times a day and it does have an effect. Consider these fixes: Don’t use directive language. Try to keep phrases like “you should” or […]

Do not try to change your partner. You have to face it! People don’t change. We may try to learn from our mistakes and act a little bit differently in some situations, but we can’t become someone we are not. You have to love the other person the way he/she is. Do not lower your […]

Everyone needs their own privacy and some freedom, so don’t constantly watch everything he/she does.Everyone hates to be watched, stifled and controlled . Do not ever spy on him/her (reading his/her phone, stalking him/her on social networks, following him/her around). If he/she is cheating on you, you will find out. These things cannot be kept […]