About The Loverman Show

Spend quality time with your partner alone. If you have children, arrange a babysitter or a member of your family to look after them for a couple of hours at least once or twice a week Don’t keep secrets from each other to increase your chances of rebuilding a trusting relationship again Listen and communicate […]

Why do men pull away in relationships? If you’ve had several relationships that haven’t worked out, you may well have noticed a pattern.  When the relationship reaches a certain point, somehow he seems to stop pursuing you and almost disappear completely from your life. At this point, you probably end up chasing him, usually trying […]

1. Does your man boost your confidence or does he make your doubt yourself? Are you totally comfortable around him or are you always second guessing everything you do? If you analyze your every move, trying to see into the future, whether he would approve or disapprove of your decision, even the most simple tasks, […]

You know you love her. The only problem is that she sometimes feels that you do not show it enough. You can show her you love her without spending a small fortune. The best ways to do this is with your actions. Small gestures (to quote another of my articles). These make the best impression. […]

To get your ex boyfriend interested in you again you do not need some magical piece of advice or a formula you can follow to get him back. What you need to do is take a good hard look at yourself – he was deeply in love with you at one point – so what […]

Tell, don’t ask. If you ask a man to clean up the dirty dishes he’s left strewn all over the living room, the typical response will be, “Yeah, in a minute” and then thirteen commercial breaks have passed and your living room still looks like a kitchen. Instead of asking him, tell him. They’re like […]

The best thing to do is look like you want to be kissed. Try to be as open and approachable as possible for him. Think of it as giving him the courage and the key to kissing you. 2 Try a little touch of the arms or shoulders here and there. It can be a […]

There are many differences between men and women, and just how different the 2 sexes are is something that has been argued over for years and years. Pick up any dating magazine and you will be swamped with tips and articles that tell you what both men and women really want from each other. Of […]

Before he gets home from work, call him to see what type of day he’s having and what type of mood he’s in. If he’s in a bad mood its your job to turn that around. 2 Cook a meal the both of you will love. Loving is always better on a full stomach. 3 […]

Many men would meet some difficulties with women at some point and wonder how to make a woman happy. There are a number of common ways to please a lady, but the best ways are from what you understand of her. One thing to remember is to be yourself. There is no need to act […]

Go on double dates, so that way your not so quick to be intimate cause others are around. 2 Bring your potential spouse to your accountabilty partner or mentors. Sometimes others from the outside looking in are able to help us with our decision making. 3 If he or she comes over to your home, […]

There is nothing like a nice, relaxing Sunday afternoon of watching football, unless your spouse is opposed to the notion. Football has been a long standing divider of genders in the past. Now you can you mend the differences in opinion and include watching football as one of the things to do with your spouse. […]