About The Loverman Show

1. What do you desire from the relationship? This is a very important question that you and your partner need to answer early on in the relationship. It is important because the two of you need to be clear on what the expectations are, so you know whether or not you will be compatible together. […]

Rebound relationships can help you heal your heart. You just have to know how to handle rebound relationships with care by applying the following do’s:  Do enter the relationship when you are ready. You have to assess your readiness to flirt again without bursting into tears every time those you are flirting with remind you […]

One frequent move that so many women are guilty of is attempting to force their man into falling in love with them. They do not realize that their guy has not yet reached the intense emotional level that they have, and they push him to move faster. They tend to pressure him to feel more […]

1. GOLF 2. GO TO A SPORTS BAR ON GAME NIGHT 3. VOLUNTEER 4. JOIN A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN 5. EVENING CLASSES 6. TAKE SOME CRITICISM FROM YOUR FRIENDS Marketing yourself to find a mate is not always easy. Take some advice from friends who have embarked on a successful long term relationship. 7. ENROLL IN […]

You have a tendency to want to control them.  If a man feels that you are the type that will end up wanting to control their life that man will not want to be romantically involved with you for the long term.  He will end up keeping you long enough for him to find a […]

You often hear of people staying in unhappy marriages for the sake of their children Well, recent research suggests that it is not just children who benefit from sticking it out through the tough times. Yes, sometimes divorce is necessary but will getting out of a bad marriage necessarily make a person happier? Not according […]

Attraction is an important part of every marriage. You want to be attracted to your spouse, and you want him to be attracted to you. When you realize that you are losing your attraction to your spouse, it is time for you to reassess your relationship, taking steps to rekindle your old flame, finding solutions […]

Have a sense of humor. Laughter can lighten up a bad day. Show him your funny side and you will surely make him love you even more. Always communicate with each other. If you want the relationship to last, then you need to talk with him openly. Treat him not just your boyfriend, but also […]

Begin by understanding that men can get moody, too. Women often like to believe that they have some type of ownership on “moodiness.” The truth is that men can have a bad day every now and then just the same as women can. If your man is angry, upset or even despondent during an afternoon, […]

What Women Want in a Man * A man who is confident. * A man who loves her. * A man who is romantic and does romantic things for her. * A man who finds her attractive. * A man who gives her security by making a commitment to her. * A man who is […]

  Yeah, it hurts to hear it. The truth is, you’ll get over it. 2 Realize that this person, no matter how much you like him or her, is not going to reciprocate. You can’t make a person love you. And you can drive yourself crazy trying. 3 You deserve a partner who respects you […]

First of all, have to tried to talk to her about WHY she wants to end your relationship? Men and women see things differently, so what she thinks is a big problem, you may not think it is a problem at all. Ask her what is wrong. Ask her what she wants out of this […]